Early College High Schools are innovative high schools that allow students least likely to attend college an opportunity to earn a high school diploma and 60 college credit hours. Early College High Schools:
- Provide dual credit at no cost to students
- Offer rigorous instruction and accelerated courses
- Provide academic and social support services to help students succeed
- Increase college readiness, and
- Reduce barriers to college access.
Chavez, MarioAt-Risk / College Readiness |
Elizondo, Cindy11th Grade Counselor |
Ibarra, AnaCareer Placement Officer |
Longoria, Laura9th Grade Counselor |
Salazar, Sherry12th Grade Counselor |
Van Cise, FelisaIdea Counselor |
Guerrero, Eva10th Grade Counselor |
“A person who never made mistakes never tried anything new.” — Albert Einstein
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